It is increasingly common for offices to have a collaborative workspace, in which employees can create synergies, share progress in different projects, enrich themselves with the ideas of colleagues and seek joint solutions.

Collaborative spaces bring out the best in employees, and provide a conducive space for problem-solving, fostering innovation and productivity.

The design and organization of this type of workspace require some considerations to be practical and to really fulfil the functions for which they were intended. In this article, we tell you some of the best ways to organize a collaborative workspace in your office.


Furniture is the most important part of a workspace, depending on the type of elements and their distribution, collaboration and exchange will be more or less fluid.


The large running tables that allow you to share workspace side by side are one of the best bets for this type of space. If you do not have too much space, you can opt for several tables in the form of rows. The material must be resistant to withstand daily use and have facilities for the installation of personal electronic devices: plugs, space for cables and USB sockets. The idea is to be able to change jobs easily without being cumbersome. opt for models with sturdy legs that are easy to sanitize.


Taking into account the exchange of people and the usual jobs in collaborative spaces, it is important to have ergonomic chairs that are easily adjustable to the physiognomy of the different workers.


Having elements that favour the common visualization of the progress of tasks, objectives, and that allow ideas to be jotted down quickly is essential in a collaborative place. Use the walls for the installation of these elements, so that they are visible to all employees.


Even in the most dynamic spaces, it is necessary to have storage solutions for filing papers, office supplies and other items. Avoid using drawers that divide the space between the workers, opt for shelves with different compartments so that everyone has their storage space for their own needs.


Noise is one of the main problems in collaborative spaces. Fortunately, we increasingly have better solutions, such as sound-absorbing furniture that can be installed on the floor, walls and ceilings, partitions that isolate noise, and even booths that allow private conversations in public environments.


If you have enough meters, our recommendation is that you include a less formal area within the collaborative space, with low tables and armchairs for more relaxed work, the exchange of ideas and the coffee break. Having two different environments is a way to enhance creativity and increase employee productivity.

Office Interior Design Concepts & Tips

Hire Best Interior Designers for Office

How to Decorate the Office in a Minimalist Style

Do you have an office and would you love to decorate it in a minimalist style? Without a doubt, this decorative style is the best for decorating offices since it responds very well to the needs that this space must have. Offices should be quiet, comfortable, attractive and practical spaces where the worker feels comfortable doing his job. Likewise, the important thing is not the decorative style that is chosen but that in the workspace there are no tensions and there is tranquility. Do you want to know how the minimalist style achieves all these aspects? Then pay close attention.



The minimalist style consists in keeping free spaces in a room without things that take up a lot of space, trying to keep the shapes and simple lines to maintain a simple and pleasant space. This decorative style in an office is excellent since it will transmit calm and peace to the worker to be able to work much better.


To achieve a minimalist decoration in an office it is essential that the walls are light colors to enhance the lighting. Well, keep in mind that white is the color that most enhances the feeling of spaciousness and also of tranquility. But in case it seems a bit boring, white can be combined with another color such as gray so that a feeling of tranquility is also achieved.

Another great option is to use slightly more cheerful or vivid colors, but always opting for colors that convey calm and serenity. For example, yellow, light green or beige will look great. But blue, red and orange should be avoided.


The furniture is essential to maintain order and tranquility in an office and you should try to have the greatest possible free space. For example, you can use both vertical shelves and embedded in the wall, an L-shaped desk to make the most of a corner. The desk should have drawers to be able to store things and always have them within reach. And remember to have furniture with simple and straight lines.


In an office it is normal to work at hours when there is no natural light, so artificial light is another aspect to take into account. Also, to favor the entry of natural light with curtains of light colors and fine fabrics, you should have ceiling lamps or table lamps that have white light.


Another aspect to take into account is that the workspace always has a clean and tidy appearance, therefore the papers and office supplies must always be stored. For this you must make use of furniture such as filing cabinets and drawers.

Remember not to overload the office space too much and decorate it with the essentials and necessary, and you will see that you will have an office to work very comfortably.

Restaurant decoration

Restaurant decoration: key points | How to decorate your restaurant

The decoration of public spaces such as restaurants is the perfect opportunity to attract all those indecisive clients. Aesthetics and functionality must go hand in hand without forgetting the contrast of colors and materials. When decorating your next cafe or restaurant you must take into account some questions to get the best results. Take note of the advice that we give you below and succeed.

How to decorate my restaurant

Product and service are not everything to succeed in the hospitality world; in addition to these two factors we must not forget the decoration. Before deciding how to set your next restaurant, you must pay attention to the most important points: space, style, functionality and innovation.

A good decoration will result in an increase in customers and this will lead to an increase in turnover and sales, which in the end is what is pursued with any business. To achieve the expected result we have to make the client feel identified and decide to enter our premises or what is the same, that among the great offer that exists choose ours, choose us. Let’s see how to get it!

Choose the right place

Before starting work, we must be clear about the location and its characteristics. The place is important to start working on it, we can have many ideas but we need to materialize them in reality.

The distribution of interior spaces is one of the most important points in the setting of a restaurant. For a local to succeed and offer the greatest number of possibilities to its customers, the ideal would be for it to have:

  • Reception: also called a transit area, this is designed to locate tobacco machines, wine cabinets, play machines or stands with the menu of the day or tasting menus.
  • Bar: located in the main area, it becomes one of the most characteristic elements of a restaurant. It is a hot area with high turnover in which clients do not usually stay long, in many occasions it becomes the waiting area, and therefore it is very common that it is close to the access to the premises.
  • Bar: Designed for those more informal and fast services.
  • Dining room: In this if the choice of furniture is important: chairs, tables, lamps are some of the elements that must coexist in tune with the total decoration of the environment. It is here where we must make our client fall in love; captivate them since here they will spend the longest time of service.
  • Bathrooms: Although they are cold spots, since the clients who access the WC are not all and those who do not spend time in this area, the impression obtained from this room will be decisive for the client and may change the final perception of the space. In addition to covering the expected services: hygiene, privacy and comfort, use it as a hook and reinforce the image of your restaurant.
  • Other spaces: in addition to the main spaces there are many hoteliers who decide to include extra spaces to improve the comfort of their clients: terraces, chill-outs … among others.

Once you have chosen the distribution of the spaces, it is time to define the style or tone of your restaurant.

What is the style of my restaurant?

To start you must mark your style, fix the points that make you different from your competition and once identified, it is time to exploit them. Hospitality businesses, and especially in our country, there are many, not many, so making a difference from the beginning will make us gain advantage. You must find the essence of your business and reflect it in the decoration, in such a way that when a client comes into contact with your premises, it is impregnated.

To achieve this feeling, you must work in harmony with the decoration, the furniture, the dishes, the music, and the uniforms and, of course, with the lighting of the premises. Any of them must be able to integrate with the other, providing all our spaces with the necessary coherence.

Ergonomics for customers

All the elements that we are seeing so far add up and make up the total experience of our clientele. For this you cannot forget the importance of quality furniture, since we will get a total experience if we achieve well-being during the course of the service. The ergonomics and functionality of the furniture is much more important than you may think, it is useless for aesthetics to be ideal if it does not coexist with the functionality of the elements. Don’t forget that feeling good is sitting comfortably!

Be unique, be different

Finally we emphasize innovation. Before, we were already talking about the need to be unique or unique and it is that more and more businesses are focused on making a difference to distinguish themselves in the perception of the user / client.

Mark the personality of your local and detail the strategy to communicate it. The decoration of your restaurant must be able to convey what your brand wants to say. For example, if you believe that nature and natural elements should prevail over all things, your place will not stray from the use of plain elements in its decoration. Plants, wood or recycled elements will harmonize with a menu of local products.

Commercial Interior Design

The pillars of commercial interior design

The pillars of commercial interior design | Keys to commercial interior design

Interior design is considered a differentiation weapon among all your competitors. Nowadays, this aspect is becoming increasingly important compared to other more traditional ones. If competing on price is difficult in your sector, do something that surprises your customers that makes them feel good, focus on the interior design of your premises.

Keys to commercial interior design

Surely you know that interior design must follow the same visual image that the brand or corporation wants to convey. Therefore, to start with the image of your store, you will need to have a clear brand image. We take this last point for granted and delve into the fundamental aspects of commercial interior design.

What does my brand want to communicate?

In order for everything to flow and fit together seamlessly, our office must convey the same thing our brand is screaming out loud: “Who we are and how we are.” The business information must be studied by the team of comprehensive reforms that will deal with the interior design of your new office, in order to adequately transmit the main values. In this sense, it would be important to look at:

  • The message: or what are the same values, you have to shape and materialize them on your decoration.
  • Message support: the channel through which the values ​​will be transmitted. For example in an insurance office, the color of the walls, lighting and office furniture will be in charge.
  • Receiver: in this case our clients, the user experience in your office or commercial business must be so pleasant that they want to repeat it in the future.

Do not forget the communicative messages, these come guided through that extra furniture, which will help you close a perfect experience for your client. In this sense, waiting areas, bright signs or positive messages in pictures are the ideal to make your brand empathize with what your client is looking for.

Seek consistency

Coherence is the basis for aspects such as corporate or marketing to make sense. In interior design it is the same, it is important that all the elements that are part of that design fulfill a function and are coherent among them.

Your client will experience sensations during his visit to your store, on those sensations it will depend in many cases whether the sale occurs or not. For this reason, the friendly and positive perception that our premises must transmit will correspond to the coherence of its elements.

Harmony and proportion

Any commercial interior designer knows that behind a good coherence of the elements the importance of balance is hidden. In other words, one aspect without another would not work. For this, different structures are carried out for different businesses.

For example, in a clothing store, which is often over-traveled, the speed of movements will be sought and therefore the shelves organized and located in the areas with the least traffic will be found and the star products will be highlighted in those stands with the greatest influx. However, the interior design of a hotel will seek that feeling of “comfort” and tranquility that invites you to rest and unwind through the use of neutral colors and natural furniture.

Analyzing and putting into practice the keys to interior design, we will obtain comfortable spaces in keeping with our brand and what our clients expect from it. Now we will see other capabilities that will have to be taken into account to make this space unique and exclusive, making it different from that of our competitors.

We already know that exclusivity is very important in this time of continuous transformation and therefore putting our capabilities to work will be decisive for our interior decoration to succeed:

  • Who has not heard of the importance of creativity in interior design? He is a recurrent and all the interior designers and professionals in the sector know this. Although two businesses in the same sector must keep the same tune that makes them identifiable by the user, this is not incompatible with making each one stand out for itself. In this sense, we must manage to transmit our values ​​in a different way or through original elements. In this part you will have a lot to contribute because nobody knows your business better than you.
  • We were talking about coherence, because connectivity could be said to be created from it. This is the ability to find similarities between concepts, transferred to interior design; connectivity will ensure that all the elements that coexist in the same decoration are related to each other, without causing problems.
  • This refers to the ability to break norms and overcome barriers, fears or limitations. There is nothing better to be exclusive than breaking with the established. Get out of the comfort zone and take a risk on the decoration, your clients will reward you.
  • The ability to change the way of seeing things, perspective or point of view which in turn is one that combines all the keys and concepts that we have seen so far.

Office interior design concepts

Office interior design concepts

Office interior design concepts | Office furniture according to the central design

Office design is one more specialty within interior design. As important is the design of the environment of a home as that of an office, since we spend much of our time in the professional environment and the design of the facilities must be consistent with what we want to achieve. If you want to achieve a space that is responsible with the environment and in which your workers enjoy optimum work quality, you should keep in mind, during your next reform, the following interior design concepts.

Interior design concepts for office design

Design is a specialty that is based on several fundamental pillars. To get an efficient and responsible workplace you must put into practice some of the concepts that we are going to see next. You must try not to go crazy and know, on each occasion, the concepts that you must apply to your reform. In this sense, you must apply, more than ever, the mythical phrase “less is more”, by the architect Mies Van der Rohe, since it is not necessary to overload the spaces if what we want to achieve is space and air for ideas to flow.

These are some of the concepts and ideas that you can bring to reality to achieve a hand- made project tailored to your needs.

Symmetric spaces

We will start talking about one of the most important terms, symmetry. This refers to the shape and size position with respect to a point of the elements of an entire set. In other words, symmetry is the equal placement, with respect to a point, of your office furniture. In this way what is achieved is a perfect balance between all the objects that will be part of our decoration. To carry out this ordering, it is important to fix an axis or reference point so that from this we can place the objects symmetrically on both sides.

From our experience we always advise that, if possible, the symmetry be included in a partial way in the decoration, since when it is included in its entirety, it takes on too much prominence and the rest of the concepts may lose the importance that dominates them.

Proportion of the elements

This concept is not only used in interior design, but also in the architecture of buildings, in the design of exterior spaces or for any object interactive with the human being, it has to be taken into account.

When speaking of proportion, reference is made directly to the scale. This has been studied throughout history, relating it to the proportions of the human being. Therefore any space and the objects found in it must keep the necessary relationship with man, thus avoiding major problems. These problems can cause the loss of objects or office furniture within the space itself or, conversely, massively saturate these spaces.

For this reason the interior designer’s work imposes its bases on the previous study of the space. Therefore do not lose sight of this concept and think about the proportions that we have commented when it comes to furnishing your new office.

Establish a focal element

So that harmony is not lost in your design, it is very important that you assign a focal element. This element or point refers to the area of ​​greatest interest or greatest prominence in your next office. This area will capture all the attention of your clients and therefore you must take care of their orientation.

This area can be established through colors, shapes or any other element that stands out and makes it the center of interest, such as furniture. In many offices, the aim is to direct the client towards the brand or towards services, whether they are viewing it from the outside or inside the office. Therefore, it is very important to define an area that you want to highlight and that also transmits a clear message to the user or client who is visiting you.

If there are several elements that take center stage, these will compete for attention and the overall design will weaken.

Light up your next office

Now that we have already talked about some of the most technical terms of interior design, we will move on to some of the most aesthetic but also necessary. To start we will do it with the lighting, surely you already know that if a room is not well lit, it will be of little use if the proportion, symmetry or focal element are defined. Lighting is the same or more important than the rest of the criteria that we will see below, since without it none of these would take on the desired role.

Depending on the type of lighting you choose, you will determine the function of each zone. There are different types of lighting, designed for each area and also you have to play with the power of light for each one of them. In this way:

  • To illuminate the work area it is important to have cold light and high power, since in this one they will be working with the computer and will need a light that compensates for their visual fatigue.
  • If you want to illuminate the rest or leisure area of ​​the workers, you can use the warm light, which, well distributed, will help to achieve the initial objectives of rest and distraction.
  • For the customer waiting area, a cool but low to medium wattage light can help customers feel calm and active.

The aesthetics you choose for each of the lighting systems should be consistent with the overall furniture.

Office furniture according to the central design

Once you are clear about the hot and cold areas of your office, it is time to choose office furniture for each of your work areas. To choose the decisive furniture for the different areas, you must first have chosen a style. This style will determine the materials, colors or finishes to be used.

It is important that the style you choose meets and respects the function of your different areas. Keep in mind that you should play with the chairs, tables, counters or chairs of communities that you decide to incorporate into your decoration.

Office Drawers


Office drawers are indispensable. And, despite the technological advances, offices and businesses do not finish abandoning paper documents. Delivery notes, invoices, reports, papers and more papers that accumulate and that need to be organized so as not to get lost among them. An organized business is a business with greater chances of prospering. It is vital to have anything you need on hand to quickly consult it.

A good organization allows you to save time when making these queries or looking for any document you need and saving time in a company means saving money and better management of human and technical resources. In addition, having the office table organized is important both for productivity and for improving the image of the company.

A low chest of drawers will allow you to take out any document without getting up from the chair.

You can choose a drawer of a larger size and more drawers if the volume of documents is very high. You will gain space for the rest of the furniture and it will allow you to have everything concentrated in little place. And if you have too many folders, do not worry, choose a chest of drawers with a file cabinet for hanging folders and you will be sure that everything is at a glance.

The chest of drawers is integrated into the workspace as another element. Probably seeing many folders in the office may produce a sense of overwhelm and closure. Dress your office in elegant order with some drawers according to the rest of the elements.

Since you will work with several people in the offices, it is important that everyone has quick and easy access to documentation. The drawers allow you to play with the space and work system you have. You can have them fixed in a place where everyone has to go to take what they need or ask the partner who is already in it.

But you can also provide your office with greater versatility. The saying goes that “if Muhammad does not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Muhammad.” Do the same with your files. Put wheels on the chest of drawers and you can move it as you wish and need throughout the room, even with a pillow on top it can serve as an improvised stool. Place it at all times in the place that is most comfortable for you.

Also, don’t neglect security. For daily use, a lock in your drawers will allow only the people you owe to access them. Protect your work. And, of course, make work more difficult for friends of others.

Office drawers: metallic or melamine?

The materials also vary and allow your originals and photocopies to be safe from any accident, although it is better not to ever check it. We do not want a stumble to make us spill water and spoil the work of several days or months.

The metal has always been a safe bet; classic materials never go out of style. Strong and resistant but elegant drawers that allow us to keep our documents safe. Proof almost any external element, they also allow us to provide the office with some classicism.

In recent years, melamine has gained strength, adaptable to any environment. The good quality of the board chipboard will protect the surface from scratches or abrasions. Resistant material that has multiple combinations.

In the work you have to look for simplification and efficiency, if you handle documents, the chest of drawers is a vital element that you should not neglect in your office and that you will have to include in the list of essential furniture in the office.

3 Models of Desk Furniture That You Should Consider

Desk Ideas


There are several aspects that should be considered before making a decision. They include questions of aesthetics and design, but also of elements that allow adaptation to the work to be performed and, of course, to allow flexible use in the event that the company intends to grant several functions. Although the list of features that make a desk furniture perfect for an office could be much more extensive depending on the project you are working on, what we intend today is to introduce you to some of the manufacturers of this type of furniture that are very interesting for their proposals in the market.

The Tay series of DVO

One of the best-known Italian manufacturers is committed to a desktop table model that maintains straight lines that fit perfectly with a luxury design. The finishing of the materials, the selection of the colors and, the essence of the design bet to remember a handmade furniture thought to adapt to the most complex situations of work without giving up its high aesthetic value. This model of desktop furniture is ideal for offices where the image comes first and, above all, to highlight the exclusive character of the brand they represent.

The Heos table

Heos intends to reinvent the lines adjusting them to a modern design It is the solution for those environments in which curved lines motivate movement and transmit an image of continuous evolution. Although its legs are the most striking element and seem really fragile, the design of this desk has been studied in depth so that this feature is only an optical illusion. In usual use, the Heos table is as robust as any other that has its legs straight. Ideal to combine in designs such as those of the most current offices that seek to differentiate themselves in the aesthetic sense.

Belesa’s desk furniture proposal

A simple design with very straight lines is the desk furniture proposal that they propose with the Belesa model. It is ideal for environments that seek to promote an image of simplicity, while wanting to convey sophistication and elegance. There are several finishing options to combine it with the rest of the elements that make up the office design. The lightness of its elements is a characteristic that stands out in a positive way.

Modern Desks for Small Spaces

Office Desk


One of the challenges for the interior designers is to furnish small spaces, taking full advantage of every valuable square centimeter. Today in our blog we talk about how to integrate a modern and functional desk in small spaces, a challenge for creativity.

Modern desks: functionality, time and devices

The first premise that we must take into account when incorporating modern desks in confined spaces is to optimize its functionality, that is to say: ask what we are using exactly that work furniture, how many hours of our time we spend at the desk and, very important, what material and devices we have to have on hand when we use that desktop. An example:

  • Functionality and time: most people use their desk to perform various tasks, from reading reports or memoranda to writing by hand or computer, making calculations, drawing or simply as a support surface when talking on the phone. If we are able to allocate time to each task that we perform at the desk we will have taken a great step forward in the selection of the modern desk that best suits our needs.
  • Material and devices: computer, telephone, calendar, modem, notepad, lamp, pens, pencils … Making a list of the items you need to have on hand while working at a desk is another important key to select the best modern desks for small spaces.

Solution 1 for small spaces: “Standing Up”

“Standing up” or “working standing “is another innovative trend that has come to Europe from the United States. According to the defenders of this trend, standing up avoids those musculoskeletal injuries suffered by people who spend hours and hours sitting at a desk. In the market we find different modern desks that respond to that need to work standing, small-sized desks that integrate spaces to leave the mobile or tablet, sliding drawers to store the desk material, etc.

Solution 2: adjustable desktops

Many people are not convinced by the idea of ​​spending their daily work standing at a desk. Out of habit or for convenience, they prefer to work part of the time sitting, some time standing … Is there a solution of modern desks that responds to this need? Of course yes: the adjustable desks. The adjustable desks allow you to easily adjust the height of the work surface so that the user chooses the most comfortable work posture for each moment of the day.

Solution 3: multipurpose desktops

One of the main problems we have when working in confined spaces is storage. Where to put all the paper documentation we generate? Reports, books, folders … end up on our desk or in that chest of drawers that, although essential, steals too much space from our small office. The solution is in multipurpose desks: furniture with drawers integrated in its surface to keep in order the pens, pencils, telephones, cables or lamps, hollow desks that allows storing folders, tablets and mobile devices; modern desks with integrated libraries that take advantage of every inch of the wall where the furniture rests…

These are three of the many solutions that we can implement to integrate modern desks in confined spaces, but there are many more. Do you want to propose yours? Leave your comment on our blog.

Office Chairs Adapted To Soft Seating Spaces

Office Chair Ideas


Soft seating was born as a trend of creating spaces that was consolidated with modern and avant-garde office projects such as those in the technology sector. Google, Facebook and other great ones were the ones that generated the greatest visibility on this way of rethinking the workplace, granting much greater flexibility to the furniture component used and betting on contexts in which communication, dialogue and office life flows beyond the individual position itself.

Betting on the soft seating trend is betting on the change in traditional work spaces. With this concept the whole is transformed to get a comfortable place and away from the stereotypes that define the most classic office environment. It seeks to generate friendly and comfortable environments in which the worker feels at home. Precisely the latter is one of the keys in the use of furniture such as office chairs since, in many projects, models that could perfectly fit in the living rooms of homes are chosen. A clear example of this is the Chesterfield design sofa that fits the definition of soft seating, but is not uncommon to find in home designs.

What chairs should you choose to create soft seating environments?

One of the manufacturers that have made the most effort in recent years to present furniture collections that perfectly fit the requirements of the soft seating concept has been Actiu. Although others have tried to imitate him to a greater or lesser extent, we do not intend to show you the complete catalog in this article today but rather to inspire you so that you can choose those essential elements that best fit your project.

  • Sofas: The sofa as an element of the office spaces created under the concept of soft seating becomes almost essential. The capacity for several people and the position it allows to maintain ensure relaxed communication and create an optimal environment for creativity to flow. In addition, feeling at home greatly improves worker productivity.
  • Armchairs: They are another of the most used elements in projects based on soft seating. Like sofas, they are capable of generating those feelings of calm, relaxed atmosphere and comfort that characterize this concept. However, unlike those that is committed to conserving a good part of each person’s individual space. They are optimal for creating social corners in which to guarantee the concentration of a single individual. Also to create zones of group work in which there are differentiated functions for each member that requires having their personal space differentiated, but at the same time they need social interaction.
  • Stools: In an environment in which it is intended to emulate the heat of the home and create a space in which comfort and communication are the protagonists, the more ergonomic stools can be a good element to achieve the balance between comfort and furniture of informal appearance. Here are a few examples of models that can be of great help to inspire you in your proposal.
  • Puffs: An element that is associated with a modern design and not very formal environments is perfect to combine in spaces where it is intended to promote worker comfort while being reminded that it is in a completely relaxed environment.

Although these three options are valid as chairs in soft seating spaces, the usual office chairs, armchairs and even places adapted to common uses can also be part of them. It all depends on your ability to incorporate them respecting the principles of comfort, socialization, relaxed atmosphere and productivity.

The History of the Round Tables


Office Round Tables


A few days ago we attended an interesting day of presentation of the new solutions to improve the well-being and internal communication of the company through office furniture. The speaker, one of the manufacturers of our furniture solutions, made a fantastic presentation of his new round tables for meetings telling us the interesting story of this furniture considered a classic of the work environment. The talk seemed so fascinating that today we want to share it here with you; so today in the Spandan blog we are going to tell you a story, the story with a happy ending of the round tables.

The round table of the arthuric legend

Do you remember the knights of the round table of the legends of King Arthur? When Arthur was crowned as King of Camelot, he decided that he would discuss all the important issues of his kingdom with the brave warriors who had helped him get his crown. Thus, he commissioned the cabinetmaker of the Court to create a table as it had not been seen before: a large, completely circular board in which all the attendees would sit at the same level , without headboard or prominent position that marked ranks, hierarchies or powers. The intelligent Arturo, in addition, always arrived last to the meeting, so that the gentlemen who were arriving sat at the site they decided without knowing where their leader would be placed.

In the Kingdom of Camelot the legend had created not only a table, but a whole concept of command style and participation that has remained intact centuries and centuries later and, in addition, in the real world: the meeting table in which all opinions are valid regardless of the hierarchical power of each meeting attendee.

From the legend of the round tables to reality

The famous round table of King Arthur became a reality in 1223 in Beirut to celebrate the rise to the rank of knights of the eldest sons of a powerful aristocrat. That was the beginning of what would become a prevailing fashion in the European Courts of the High Middle Ages. There is written evidence that between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries round tables were established in France, in Spain and, finally and curiously, in England. The round tables thus became an essential part of the internal communication of cities and states.

From reality to the business environment

  • Minimize or eliminate hierarchies. At the circular meeting tables, all meeting attendees occupy a similar spatial plane. By eliminating the header positions, the participant feels freer to contribute their opinions or assessments, so that, at least theoretically, communication becomes richer and more effective, especially when it comes to resolving conflicts or problems.
  • Promotes communication between management and staff. In large corporations there are few opportunities for the leader of a team to listen quietly to the opinions of his valuable team. Round tables facilitate this communicative process as they eliminate the typical visual barriers of square tables.
  • Dynamize the meeting. From the point of view of communication psychology, circles bring dynamism and liveliness to conversations. Attendees, without barriers or hierarchies, are providing solutions, ideas and opinions at a faster pace than if they were placed following the straight lines typical of desks or rectangular tables.
  • It brings a plus of modernity and design to offices and offices. Despite its long history, the harmonious and fluid lines of the round tables continue to inspire feelings of design, modernity and break with the rigid norms of the more traditional corporations. A plus of modernity that favors the corporate image that the company wishes to project in its visitors and, also, the valuable internal communication without barriers of modern, innovative and productive offices.

Quick Guide to Choose Office Furniture