Charming Offices

The 5 Charming Offices that will inspire you the Most

Today we show you 5 styles of charming offices that will surely make you fall in love and inspire you when designing your office, at home or at work, very useful if you are looking for ideas for decorating the first office. That of the sober offices and boring is already out of fashion. Now they take the offices with charm in which to feel at home while we work, do you sign up?

Charming offices

The decoration of offices seems that it always has to be the same, sober, with hardly any color, with few adornments, that nothing distracts us from work … but it does not have to always be that way. Today we show you 5 charming office styles that will surely make you fall in love and inspire you to design modern offices, at home or at work. Because working in an environment where you feel comfortable and comfortable helps to achieve greater concentration and that the results speak for themselves, it is proven!

The technological giants such as Google, Facebook or Microsoft opt for more human and fun offices where we can have fun besides working and last week we talked about original offices where you can take the dog or go for a slide. And is that the concept of offices is changing and evolving towards more human and pleasant environments where everything is not just worked. That of the boring offices is already out of fashion, now it’s time to get a charming office in which to feel at home, do you sign up?

Reception Area Furniture

  1. The cozy office

In winter, you want a sofa and blanket at all hours, but since the world does not stop when we want, it is best to move that feeling of home and comfort to the office. How? Well, there are always details that can help you give a more welcoming appearance to an office. In this case, textiles can be the key. It is also a good way to give a fresh look to your office without great expense. And the result is worth it!

A carpet on the floor always creates a more homelike atmosphere and also protects you from the cold of the ground. Another option that the Nordics have put in fashion is to dress the chairs with warm blankets of hair. A detail that you can put in your office to give it a more winter atmosphere and turn it into a charming office. And that will also allow you not to have to take so many warm clothes to the office. And if not, you can always use this resource in your home office, so that work does not get too hard for you.

Another way to make your office cozier is the cushions with varied patterns and full of color that will help you to make it more pleasant and mullite, Especially if your chair is not too comfortable or if you have a bench area. In addition, the cushions can be renewed each season and thus give a new look to your office so that it is not monotonous.

  1. The vitalist office

Who said that an office has to be boring and hardly color? If you are a vitalist, surely the color attracts you. Well, it’s time to use it also in your office and get a dynamic and energetic atmosphere that will surely cheer you on the gray winter mornings. A good option is to opt for wallpaper and combine it with a wall with color as in this case, mint green a perfect color for the office. Or for papers with a lot of personalities that become the center of your workspace.

And if you do not dare with the paper or you find it “too much” chooses to color your chair or some of the elements that surround your work area such as lamps, drawers, desk accessories … the result you will surely love. And you can periodically renew it easier than repainting or wallpapering. You can choose pastel colors, as in the second photo, or bright colors; everything depends on your taste. But the result will be cheerful and dynamic, perfect for a dose of morning vitality. Do not think about it!

  1. The natural office

You can also get charming offices giving them a natural touch. Natural plants are always a plus for an office. We already talked about vertical gardens as one of the trends in offices but if your company does not put its grain of sand on the planet … does not mean that you do not put it in your office. You only need some natural plants and the change will be immediate. But remember that better indoor plants or that do not need much light if you do not have a very bright office.

Even if it’s just some margaritas stuck on the wall … the change will be noticed in the environment. If you also combine it with wood tones on the table and some touches of green in the accessories such as chairs, you will get a very natural and relaxed atmosphere in which to work much more at ease. Or use lots of natural fibers such as raffia or wicker in natural tones for a very bucolic look and full of charm.

  1. The retro office

The retro style is fashionable and is ideal for offices with charm. So visit antique shops and markets to find pieces for your office. You will get an office with a unique touch that will make everyone fall in love and you will feel very comfortable in your work. Or recycle some old table that was cornered in the storage room. You will not regret!

Also, the old wooden and iron school chairs can find their place again. The final touch can be provided with some retro style paper. This style is fashionable so it will be easy to find papers with geometric patterns or with an aftertaste to past decades that will bring charm to your office. As if we were traveling in time, we will feel transported to the past by recalling elements of our childhood.

In the complements of the offices with charm also opt for elements with a retro aftertaste as old table lamps, the flexor type is perfect, or an old mirror also rescued from aloft. Old objects like old typewriters, metal boxes or books … everything can regain prominence. The taste for the past is fashionable and can be the key to a very special office!

How to Choose an Office Table

  1. The aware office

Recycling is not just a fad but it is becoming a way of seeing the world that reaches all levels of our lives, including the office. We already talked about the OSB panels, a perfect element for the design of offices that we are seeing more and more every day in all kinds of spaces. From receptions to office tables everything can come from recycling. The human imagination knows no limits … you will be surprised at what is possible to do!

So do not miss the opportunity to introduce it also in your office to make it one of the best offices with charm in the world. From a wall of pallets that will bring a lot of charm to a table of planks or recycle old chairs. Everything can have a second use; you just need to stop for a moment and get down to work. The result is worth it! And on the internet, you will find lots of tutorials on how to carry out recycling projects that can completely transform your workspace.

But not only recycled wood you can dress your office. The metal is fashionable both in furniture and accessories so look for old metal lockers or filing cabinets and recycles them in your office; they will be a central element in your recycled decoration. And in addition they will be so beautiful, so do not let them escape. I love the result!

Another option to recycle, are wooden boxes that can have many uses, for example as shelves for your office. A way to recycle with a result that will not leave anyone indifferent. A conscious office that talks about you … and that will make everyone fall in love. The result cannot be more beautiful, do not you think? Well, it’s much simpler than it seems.

Interior Design for Offices

Interior Design for Offices

The trends 2017-2018 offices lean towards ergonomics and more efficient offices. Pleasant environments that offer comfort, rooms that enhance communication, creativity, spaces to relax or elements that make life easier will be key to generating greater productivity and effectiveness in the long run in our companies.Workspaces are adapted to the new labor realities and no longer only respond to an aesthetic question or fashion, but appear as a consequence of new needs and ways of understanding work. So let’s see what are the trends offices that are stepping into the world of offices.

These are the offices’ trends

  1. Offices trends 2018: increasingly technological offices

Can you imagine a table that recharges the battery of your mobile phone just by supporting it on the surface? The offices of the future are becoming more real and little by little they become the offices of the present.

Technology grows by leaps and bounds and of course, this also affects our way of working. Mobile phones, tablets, social networks and other technological inventions are part of our day to day and increasingly, they become fundamental pieces of the work environment. Due to this new reality, little by little the offices of the world are adapting and incorporate furniture that integrates technological elements such as screens and other tools that make our work easier.

The trends offices bring us technological tools that allow us to hold virtual meetings from different parts of the world or even large extra-thin screens that allow presentations with total comfort … Knowing each of the latest developments is essential to, for example, choose a suitable desk. Without giving us barely any account, new technologies increasingly influence our way of working and become indispensable for day to day, this leads us, inevitably, to more and more technological offices.

Office Interior Designers

  1. Offices with more flexible and multifunctional spaces

Another trend offices that we will see more and more are multifunctional spaces. Small and versatile rooms that adapt to the needs of each moment. From rooms where small informal meetings, interviews, spaces to find concentration, have a coffee … these multifunction spaces are transformed depending on the needs of each moment.

Little by little, in the offices, the fixed work position no longer prevails, but rather, it tends more and more to create multipurpose spaces where workers can move according to the moment or the task they are carrying out. It is also done to encourage communication between departments and the flow of ideas.

  1. Dark colors dress office furniture

Another trend that is definitely going strong this season is the dark colors in the furniture. Both wood and smooth tones are passed to the fashion of dark colors for office furniture. The lighter shades that have undoubtedly marked the last years are giving way to the dark ones. Dark furniture gives a more elegant look to the office.

  1. The force of nature in the workspaces

Nature is also gaining ground in the world of offices. Vertical gardens, plants, and green spaces add that breathe of fresh air in the workspaces. More importance is given to creating pleasant spaces for workers in order to obtain a more efficient job. The offices with a small external connection are always more pleasant and allow people to concentrate better and generate a better environment.

From placing a small cactus on the desk to spectacular interior gardens that wear the green offices has become an element to take into account when designing workspaces. You can discover more in our article of office decoration with plants.

Office Workstation Designers

  1. More and more leisure and relaxation spaces

To end the trends offices we will see how some large companies, such as Google or Microsoft, have served as an example to many others that little by little include and are giving more and more importance to leisure and relaxation spaces allowing The workers take a break in their workday to resume it with even more energy when they return.

We find then companies that dedicate spaces for leisure with beautiful gardens, games rooms, cafes or spaces with really original environments that allow us to have fun. Rooms where we can have a coffee with a client or work at a given moment in a more attractive space in a more relaxed way. Bold colors and shapes previously unthinkable for offices or workspaces become a reality. Gone is the idea that work should be boring and serious and this leads us to offices where going to work becomes something motivating and fun also comes into play.

A new way of understanding work with more flexible schedules, in which the results prevail over working hours, allow the idea of more versatile offices with spaces in which to disconnect and relax. Many are the office trends that have come to stay. What trend is your favorite?

As you can see, the world of the office is evolving along with new work needs. The incorporation of technology and the emergence of new needs within the workplace little by little take shape and are introduced into the office awareness of designing cozy, fun and colorful spaces. We hope you liked this office trends article. Which one did you like the most? Are you going to introduce some trend in the office? Thank you very much for reading and until next week!

Vintage Office Decoration

Vintage Office Decoration

What is the difference between retro and vintage?

The term retro refers to new objects that are reminiscent of the past (whether imitating techniques, materials, etc.). It is quite common, the incorrect use of the term “retro style” to speak of a style created in the past. The retro style is always a style created in the present, which uses new objects but wants to imitate or refer to a recent past (15-20 years ago). The most common is that this style focuses on relatively recent products, fashions, and artistic styles; produced from the Industrial Revolution. From a philosophical point of view, the word retro implies a point of irony and is related to the concept of “nostalgia not sentimental”. That is, retro describes the desire to capture something from the past and evokes nostalgia full of dissatisfaction with the present that causes a certain cynicism.

It is increasingly common to combine several styles or decades in the same environment. Sometimes it is enough to place a retro object, be it a chair, a lamp or a simple pencil sharpener, to break with the dynamics of the space and give a modern touch. Although it is incorrect to refer to them as vintage objects if we can talk about vintage reproductions or objects inspired by vintage. They are the alternative for those who admire a style of the past and cannot afford it or prefer to acquire a contemporary interpretation.

Vintage, on the other hand, is the word for all objects and garments designed and manufactured in the past.

Vintage is a concept that etymologically derives from the harvest of wine and means that the object itself has improved or revalued over time, although it cannot yet be classified as antiquity.

Office Decoration with Plant

Sometimes vintage objects are well preserved because they were part of a stock that was not sold and therefore are completely new. As it is not always the case, in the decoration of vintage offices it is common to restore these objects and accept some wear as part of the aesthetics.

Chairs for a vintage office decoration

Although, as we have seen previously, vintage is a concept that refers to products manufactured in the recent past; many people associate this word with the decade of the seventies. The chairs of this era were not only more stylish than those of previous decades but they were also much more functional. The seats of the 70’s were softer and had higher backs so the comfort of the user was much higher. It was common to put armrests and use a skin.

What worship chairs have these decades left us? It is difficult to make a selection of so many possibilities but from the sixties we were left with the chair Panton (1960) Verner Panton was the first chair made of synthetic material in a single mold and the chair Ball (1966), also called Bubble Chair, designed by Eero Aarnio who designed it more as a piece of architecture than a piece of furniture. The chair creates spaces of total privacy within a shared space.

Of the decade of the seventies, we would emphasize very especially the chair Support (1979) of Fred Scott that was voted in the International Federation of Architects of 1991 as “the chair that has most influenced the office furniture“. It was one of the first office chairs designed following strict ergonomic principles. Frederick Scott designed a whole collection of chairs that could be adapted to different tasks typical of the world of the office: from desk tasks to board tables, waiting rooms or shared places.

But vintage chairs do not end there. The decades of the 80s and 90s also offer many aesthetic options and curiosities for the decoration of vintage offices. Do we see some?

We find that the chairs of this decade must adapt to the beginning of the digital age. It was at that moment when the offices finally began to look like the current offices. It was essential to design comfortable chairs as employees spent more and more time in front of computers. The eighties are the beginnings of ergonomics applied massively to office furniture. This translates into cushioned chairs, armrests and even the possibility of adjusting the chair to the user’s characteristics.

The desire and need to make the chairs as ergonomic as possible continues during the nineties. The seats are becoming sophisticated and becoming as technological as the elements used in the office itself. A great example of this is the iconic Aeron chair (1992) designed by Donald Chadwick and William Stumpf.

Office Decoration with Plants

Office Decoration with Plants

Plants are one of those elements that can turn any space into a cozy place. In terms of decoration, we usually associate them with the home, but its strategic use in the workspace is increasingly fashionable.

We often do not have the authority to decide how to decorate our office, this changes and it is one of the advantages of working at home since you can design your space in your own way. But the decoration of offices with plants helps the worker to feel more connected with nature and therefore helps concentration, to develop creativity and promotes calm. The companies are aware of its benefits and recent work on its implementation.

As we saw a while ago, one of the trends in offices, which also increases productivity, is the nature of the workspace. In this article we will explore some ideas about office decoration with plants and we will also see which plants are best suited to decorate the offices and why.

Nothing better than some pots to brighten up our desk and workspace. But the decoration of offices with plants is much more. Do you dare to explore it with us?


A strategy widely used in the decoration of offices with plants is that of the vertical garden. To take this concept so associated with the exteriors to a more formal point, the idea is to create flat surfaces where to apply the plants. That is something like paintings made with plants. Do you dare to see some examples?

This strategy is perfect to give an organic air to the reception (as is the case of the Google offices in Sydney) or to give life to corridors and common areas. It can even be the star element of an office or meeting room.

Office Colour Ideas and Tips


Nothing else in to enter plants in the architectural planning office. Do not think of plants as mere decorative objects, think of them as just another structural element. You will get a natural and relaxed air to the office, keeping it professional and stylish.

A very interesting resource to integrate plants in office decoration is to incorporate pots on the tables. This means not treating the pots as pots or centerpieces but as a structural part of the furniture.


At this point, why not bring the concept of the garden to the office? Take advantage of forgotten corners and common areas to create a natural and relaxed atmosphere. Join several plants on a surface of stones or use artificial turf and some natural plants to create the favorite space of all, green offices of great beauty.


The latest in air plants is called kokedama. This Japanese technique literally means “moss ball” and is a type of crop that is characterized by not using any type of pot but moss. It usually consists of a sphere that usually grows hanging. The applications of this innovative technique are multiple. Hang plants everywhere and glad corridors and offices. Nothing better to give a modern and flirtatious look to your office!


Finally, we have selected the five most suitable plants to grow in the office. All of them have in common that they need little care and that the interiors are their favorite medium. Do you want to find out what they are?

Modular Office Furniture India

  1. Dracaena

A very robust plant that has proven to be one of the plants that best adapts to indoor growth. One of the most positive points of this plant is that it does not need to be watered too much; it survives with little water since its roots accumulate moisture.

  1. Epipremnum aureum

Better known as “poto”, it is one of the best office decoration options with plants. Not only because it is a type of plant that is very easy to care for but also because it is effective against indoor environmental contamination, eliminating formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene; also reducing the ozone produced by printers and photocopiers. It needs indirect light and watered when the earth is dry.

  1. Cactus

The cactus and succulents are the perfect plants for those who do not have too much time to take care of them. Besides being the latest fashion will give a lot of personality to your desktop. Go ahead to create centerpieces and compositions with them.

  1. Sanseviera

The Sanseviera, also known as Sword of St. George or Mother-in-Law, has a reputation as indestructible. It is one of the most resistant indoor plants because it supports the dry and hot atmosphere of the rooms and the lack of light. It also supports that you do not water it too much or that it is transplanted. That is, it is perfect for decorating the office.

  1. Adam’s Rib

The rib of Adam is a very easy to care plant. Indoors you need a bright place. It is not a demanding plant in terms of risks. In addition, despite the size of its leaves it does not demand to be pulverized since it tolerates dry environments.

How to Choose an Office Table

How to Choose an Office Table with Total Security

The work table it is the great ally in each working day, but if it is of poor quality it can turn your day into a nightmare. It is very important to know how to fit an office desk to suit your needs but how to choose an office table? To do so, it is essential to have a series of answers clear: what are your daily needs in relation to the type and style of work you have? What is the size that will fit well within the limitations of your office? Can the desktop surface support the demands of daily use of your work and work environment? Having the most appropriate office table is essential not only for the worker but also for the company itself because if the table provides ergonomics and comfort,


It is essential that when it comes to choosing an office table, it provides enough space for the legs. Standard desk heights are usually between 70 and 75 centimeters off the ground. The recommended table width depends a lot on the tasks to be performed. It is not the same a table designed to be used by a single person, a table used as a desk or a table used to meet face to face with customers.

It is vitally important that the equipment and desk materials are easy and comfortable to reach, and that there is enough space so as not to overload the desk. In addition, the tables should not have sharp edges because they create unnecessary pressure on the wrists. Therefore, it is recommended to choose tables with rounded edges.

Steps for Office Decoration

How to choose an office table: balance work.

Once we have calculated how much space we can allocate to our office table, we can choose a configuration. The objective is to achieve a wide space of work and storage. What elements are indispensable in your work table? Does your desk need to accommodate a telephone, a fax, a printer and a computer or just a laptop? Do you work exclusively on the computer, or do you need space to place several sheets of paper and documents? The amount and size of tools needed at your fingertips should also be a consideration. Depending on the type of work, you may need more space than that provided by a single office desk. But you can always add a wing.

When you ask how to choose an office table, it is very important that you also think about how to organize your desk; this will take you to consider the accessories that you can apply. The fronts and dividers are perfect and indispensable to create separate work areas and provide some privacy in a shared and reduced space.

Modern Office Workstation Manufacturer

If most of your work is done with the computer, it is essential to select a desk with cable glands. This way, you can keep the cables out of the way and ordered in a safe way.

If the type of work tends to generate a lot of paperwork and it is essential to accommodate stacks of papers or books, it is important to choose a table that has the widest possible surface.

You can consider a desktop configuration in the form of “L” to allow work and space for individual tasks. If finance or space allows, “U” desks are shared desktops very useful when you want several employees to work together. Another very interesting option can be to combine several surfaces and place two tables in parallel or choose tables in a U or L shape. Round or oval tables for small meetings are also highly advisable. For larger and more formal meetings, a rectangular table of certain proportions seems necessary.

Storage space

But … What happens if you do not have enough space? One option to consider is to choose a table that has a storage system or integrated drawer units. When choosing a drawer or buck, it is essential to pay attention to the material. It is common for many manufacturers to offer chipboard or DM drawers. Low-quality materials that wear easily with daily use. For a professional and intensive use, it is essential to buy steel drawers and tables. Only then can you ensure its durability and quality.


When thinking about quality and durability, it is important to consider the legs of the table. There are many types of legs and it can be very helpful to know their characteristics and the features offered by each of them. In addition to the aesthetic element, the type of support and stability may vary so nothing safer than talking with specialized professionals. The only way to not be wrong!

Modern Office Decoration Ideas

Steps for the Decoration of the First Office

Have you recently opened an office and have you decorated and furnished it correctly? Starting a new project in your life and undertaking is a great personal and professional challenge. If you decide to open an office to perform your work you have several tasks ahead. One of them is to furnish the new office in a professional manner and faithfully represent the identity of your new company and values. You should also differentiate the spaces according to the uses that are going to be given, if there is going to be a waiting room, if there will be a large number of employees, etc. always knowing the furniture that should never be missing in an office. Do not worry; this guide will give you the basic steps for decorating the first office and making your office look the way you want.

  1. The budget

It is very important to limit your budget so that the decoration of the first office does not get out of hand. It also helps you prioritize the furniture you really need during the first months of life of the new office. What furniture do you have to buy? What is the lighting of your office? What is the space you have? How many employees are you going to have? Knowing this is essential, as they will define your budget. You can visit our post about small office design with tips on decorating small workspaces that never fail.

First, you should prioritize the theme of lighting; know the arrangement of windows and light sources. Then, choose the furniture you need most to make your office operational from the first day and distribute it in the best way so that the office does not seem saturated and have an optimal appearance. Finally, put the details so that it gives personality to the office and reflects the values and personality. Doing so will help you make a more efficient and tiered budget.

  1. Lighting

Lighting is important and it is the first thing that must be taken into account for the decoration of the first office. If you have enough natural light, take advantage of it and create bright spaces where you can hold meetings and conferences. Also, if you want screens, let them be made of glass so that natural light can penetrate.

If you do not have enough natural light, stop by large LED lights to illuminate as much as possible and saving energy. In addition, if the light the warmer and clearer it is better to achieve a more pleasant atmosphere at work.

  1. Furniture for the decoration of your first office

Now it’s time to choose the whole repertoire of furniture that will decorate your office. It is important to take an inventory to find out what is needed in an office since the furniture not only serves to decorate but is really needed to perform tasks so it is necessary to prioritize the functionality of the furniture. Chairs of all kinds, from rotating to employees as well as confident chairs for meetings and waiting rooms. The different types of tables are also necessary. Both office tables for workers and tables for management and meetings should be on the list. Versatile and functional furniture that serves a little for everything (table + filing cabinet) should be first on your list. Finally, there is a good list of furniture that is vital for the good functioning of the office such as cabinets, filing cabinets and bucks.

Modern Office Furniture Ideas

Obviously, depending on the type of business you have, you will need a type of furniture more urgently than others, for example, if your business has a call-center for customer service cubicles are essential, apart from good separations so that work is better. If your office has the reception a counter is mandatory. You can find all the furniture you need on the renewed Spandan website.

  1. The details

It is important to give the office a personality and allow its appearance to convey to your clients your way of doing and feeling. For this reason, it is not the same to decorate stock exchange investment offices, as the decoration of a law firm or a clothing store. Each of them should be decorated in line with what they want to convey (hard work, safety, comfort, etc.)

Use the corporate colors in the decoration if you want a more business image but we recommend using the colors that best fit the space and lighting that is available. The light and neutral colors are ideal for small and bright spaces, but if you want to be riskier, colors like orange or other are accepted to encourage creativity. You can also place several accessories that will come very well to give life to the office, from plants that give the space a green and necessary touch as well as paintings that give the necessary color to the walls of the office. Finally, the “mood boards “are great additions both decorative and functional.

Tips for Choosing Office Furniture

We hope that this guide will make things clearer when it comes to decorating the first office and that you have many successes with the challenge that lies before you. We know that it is difficult to be successful and that is why we want to help by making the decoration of the first office as easy as possible. Thank you very much for reading and we hope to see you next week!

Modern Office

Modern Office and a Contemporary one

Despite being a few styles of offices that resemble each other, there are several clear differences between modern and contemporary offices. Many times these two styles are confused and today we are going to establish similarities and differences between modern and contemporary offices.

The style of the modern office

Although it is called modern, this style of decoration and architecture emerged in the early twentieth century, so it has its years. This style has as its main characteristic that the forms are much more important than the details. Everything must have a useful function and any superfluous element is eliminated. It also gives great importance to the material, mainly metals and concrete. Therefore, in modern offices, we will find steel tables and chairs with very straight shapes that are very useful for the operation of the office. The crystal will also have its role. The colors present in a modern style office will be very neutral with whites and grays at the top.

It should be added that the minimalist style takes several concepts of modern style, although the minimalist goes much further with the subtraction of decoration and affects much of the order.

The style of the contemporary office

This style refers to the whole set of trends in architecture and decoration from the 90s to today, giving more prominence to the trends that are fashionable at the moment. This style is very eclectic and agglomerates many aesthetics due to the influence of globalization and the great variety of trends that coexist at the same time. Every interior designer and architect, who has the contemporary style as principal, will always try to put his personal touch.

Modern Office Furniture

The contemporary offices look for that space is homelike and cozy with a very careful aesthetics and the multitude of details that confer to space a unique personality that differentiates it from the other offices. The color is very important in a contemporary office and within the coherence and common sense, is not afraid to combine bright colors with more neutral colors, always looking to get more space in the office. The decoration is not fixed so much in the perfect and rectilinear forms but more in the utility and the aesthetic beauty of the furniture.

Importance of Colour in Office

How Does the Color of the Office Influence your Work?

In the previous article we talked about the importance of color in the office. Another important aspect to keep in mind is that color reflects the corporate spirit of an entity. From the design of the branding to the space itself, the color must reflect our identity and philosophy.

When we are in the process of generating our corporate identity and we do not know what color to choose, we must ask ourselves: what do colors convey to us?

Each color produces a different sensation and each person has their own tastes, but in a generalized way when we enter a space in which the red color predominates, it produces stress and the blue sensation of cold. Different studies suggest that warm colors are stimulating and cheerful and cool colors are tranquilizers.

Warm colors


Yellow is related to sun and light, transmits energy and stimulates creativity and imagination. In spaces with little natural light brings a feeling of light. We recommend the use of this color in meeting rooms where we seek interaction and collaboration among workers.


Orange is similar to red but with less intensity. This color promotes a warm atmosphere and brings well-being. However, we advise against excessive use as it may overload the environment. This color is ideal for welcoming rooms or informal spaces such as coffee.


Red impacts, stimulates, excites … but its excessive use is aggressive and stressful. Used reasonably, it can stimulate people.

Cold colors


Blue is synonymous with coldness, used in its proper measure brings peace and serenity to space. It has a relaxing effect on people.

This color is ideal for work spaces with a lot of stress, such as in call reception centers, customer service, etc.


The green reminds us of nature, freshness, peace and tranquility. This color favors the concentration in individual workspaces or training rooms.


Brown reminds us of earth, leather or wood. This color has relaxing effects and is ideal in informal environments.

Finally, we talk about the most used color, the king of color, the color White. The color white transmits purity, joy, tranquility. This color stimulates workers without causing stress, clarifies the environment and brings a feeling of greater volume. However, excessively used visually can cause fatigue.

Analyzed the colors, where is the balance? The combination of the color White with warm and cold colors can provide you with the corporate image you are looking for.

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Having an office that looks great does not need to break the bank. At Spandan Enterprises Pvt Ltd., we will help you create a modern and efficient workplace with well-designed furniture for an affordable price.

Tips for Choosing Office Furniture

Best Tips for Choosing Office Furniture

Properly equipping an office with the right furniture will help us to make a very good impression. Office furniture with basic colors and elegant lines give a sense of professionalism while modern furniture often portrays creativity.

Undoubtedly, the selection of the right office furniture is a job that cannot be overlooked. Let’s see now some tips that will help us to equip a business. Very important before thinking about figures think only of two words that will help you prosper in the business world: office furniture

  1. We need to know how much money we are willing to spend on office furniture. There is a wide variety of products on the market with different prices, remember that sometimes quality is not cheap and that what you invest now can make you save in the long term.
  2. Keep in mind the space you have in your office. For small spaces it is advisable to furnish the office with multifunctional, minimalist and not very large furniture.
  3. Consider the time you have to furnish the office. Installing office furniture takes time and you have to think about how much time we are going to dedicate to this activity.

4 . Beware of office chairs. Most of us who work in the office spend long hours sitting. It is necessary to pay close attention to the selection of the most appropriate chair and that does not harm us or the back of the arms.

  1. Lighting is another point to consider when we equip our company with office furniture. It is advisable that the work areas are very well lit and without damaging the view of the workers.
  2. Check your employees. Perhaps this is the most important aspect. No one better than their employees know their needs and tastes. Building a common space that takes into account everyone’s opinions will make workers feel part of the company.

Office Furniture Manufacturer in India – Spandan Enterprises Pvt Ltd.

Spandan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading and fast growing designers and manufacturers of Office desking, seating and storage solutions. We strive to bring exclusive range of designer office furniture to its clients. The extensive portfolio of desks, seating and storage range offered by us caters to all kinds of contemporary office design and theme.

We Serve all Major Cities in All Over India, Like Vadodara, Gurgaon, Delhi, Agra, Ahemdabad, Allahabad, Aurangabad, Banglore, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Goa, Gwalior, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Noida, Pune, Surat, Udaipur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, etc

Turnkey Interior Contractor in Vadodara

Turnkey Interior Contractor in Vadodara

Interior Design Services

Interior design industry well-liked seriously stretches all over the world as there are a rising number of people who wish to make their office unique of its kind by the hands of professionals. However, it is not an easy industry as a variety of skills, knowledge, and education is required in order to walk in this market professional design.

Interior Design is much more than secreted beautiful colors and furniture arrangement. She considers herself more than just a visual improvement or rear of the interior space or room; it seeks to get better the management and the uses to which the built environment will be put.

Services Provided by the Interior Designers

Interior Design Services are the affordable and personalized ways to get the designer look you desire your office without spending a lot of money. These agencies have a team of experienced interior designers who help you with:

  • Custom furniture layout and floor plan.
  • A written summary of your design suggestions and recommendations. These services give confidence you to have the “why” attitude so that they can carry out the design process fruitfully.
  • Furniture specifications (that is furniture which works well in your space. This eliminates the guesswork about the size of furniture you order online). These services work around your budget so that you are not burdened with over-budgeting. Detailed instructions for size details, fabric specifications, current pricing and web site links are included.
  • Art, accessories, and lamp Recommendations are provided which help in complimenting the overall design style of your room.
  • Paint color suggestions which will complement the look and help in unifying the space.
  • Professional interior design tips which will help in answering questions that might arise during the process; questions like what finish of paint should you use or how should you read your floor plans?
  • Personalized project binders that will help you save all the room details in 1 organized location.

What makes the interior design services so popular?

  • Some of the reasons that make the interior designers so popular are:
  • They provide tailor-made services
  • They provide excellent designing facilities
  • They are cost-effective and provide on-time performance
  • They have a customer focused approach

Why choose us for Office Interior Designing?

Owing to the attendance of our specialist interior designers, we are able to offer an Interior Contractors services in Vadodara, Gujarat, India to our clients. We offer a gracefully and aesthetically designed Interior following the accurate specifications of clients. To offer a complete corporate and decent look to the project, we make use of top rated quality materials and decorative items. Besides, we strictly follow international standards to offer complete client satisfaction.

Consult us to find some of the best infrastructure solutions for your space. Our group of experts and project managers both, in-house and third party is dedicated to conceiving the most excellent plans for your space. We are as eager about imparting supreme solutions for your space as you are. Each space to us is an important project. Big or small, we strive to make it a unique place with character and appeal.

Turnkey Interior Contractor in India

Looking for best Turnkey Interior Contractor in Vadodara, Surat, Jaipur, Mumbai, Delhi, Rajkot, Indore, Bhopal, Ankleshwar, Bhopa and all over India? Spandan Enterprises Pvt Ltd. is the best option for you.